- @ozh
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- ozh.richard
- Nantes, FR
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Recent tweets « page 17
@matgargano Hi – I’ll be speaking at WordCamp Paris about plugin unit test and just found your demo plugin – it’s awesome. Can I use it?
qvotr.com – “It’s like Pinterest, but for words”. I’d love a Firefox extension or bookmarklet for this!
Bash protip of the day: debugging Bash scripts is much easier with “set -ex” peterbe.com/plog/set-ex
@peterbe thanks for peterbe.com/plog/set-ex :-) Small typo: “What set -e does is that it exists if any of the lines fail” -> s/exists/exits/
I swear my next corporate memo will be a riot :-D pic.twitter.com/AvS6liOtOQ
Merry Xmas from the whole family :-) pic.twitter.com/IxnvTLXPeL
@WordCampParis Un truc pique les yeux sur le site: certaines coupures de mots aléat-oires :) Exemple 2015.paris.wordcamp.org/session/integr… WordP-ress
@SketchyNotebook Any news? Christmas is coming fast……..
Revisiting WordPress smilies in a pure CSS way ozh.in/xp
I was going to write about WP smilies but then I remembered that post on WPTavern that says it all :) wptavern.com/wordpress-smil…
WordPress 4.2 Roadmap Wish: update those ugly smilies that have not changed since, wait for it, EVER (for real)
So… CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION is for data you read, and CURLOPT_READDATA is for data you write. Hmmkey. Go home curl, you’re drunk.
Is submitting PR from Github to WP still on the agenda? Or did I miss something?
I’ll be a speaker at WordCamp Paris. Come and say hi :) #WCParis
RT @DreamHost: “Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live” – Martin…
Best jumbotron ever – dude kills it on Bon Jovi :) youtube.com/watch?v=riMDVo…
Importing plugins from WP’s SVN to Github? Option 1: `git svn clone` in the shell: 8 hours. Option 2: Github’s SVN importer: 20s. D’oh.
RT @pippinsplugins: My answer to why I don’t actively fight piracy: gist.github.com/pippinsplugins…