- @ozh
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- ozh.richard
- Nantes, FR
- ozh.org
- planetozh.com
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Recent tweets « page 18
Just found out about the Aura PHP project. Seems neat, tested & documented. Anyone having feedback about their libraries?
RT @johnbillion: My street has a planned power cut this Tuesday. I’m going to fuck with my neighbours by running my Christmas lights throug…
Things you don’t want to see when clicking “Confirm Order” after giving all payment details & card number: i.imgur.com/TPALY0l.png #magento
RT @JJJ: More code, more problems.
More fun, too.
In my tests, HTTPS is 40 to 200% slower than HTTP. Meh. httpvshttps.com
@markjaquith Sounds familiar? :) odditycentral.com/news/french-au…
@joetek You’ll like this if you haven’t seen it already: dailymotion.com/video/x2banj6_… VFX breakdown of Quicksilver’s scene in XMen
What it takes to play in a metal band: aux.tv/2014/12/metal-…
@SketchyNotebook any update on the shipping date?
I was inspired by the talks yesterday at #WPTechNantes… so I just submitted a talk proposal for WordCamp Paris 2015 :)
#WPTechNantes was awesome and packed. Best moments: signing worn out, used to the bone, dog eared Professional WordPress Plugin Dev books :)
Pour un menu admin horizontal, il y a aussi l’excellent plugin Ozh’ Admin Drop Down Menu ;-) ozh.in/kl #WPTechNantes
#WPTechNantes — en route!
Just sayin’, but now is a perfect time to get yourself a neat Git tshirt for Christmas and increase your Git fu. redbubble.com/people/ozhy/co…
@Christophe_Co tiens, pour ta culture, collec, et prochaine idée de voyage professionnel: odditycentral.com/pics/ghanas-hi…
Home burgled today. Among the hundreds of small valuable items, just one thing was robbed: the iPad. ROFL. Tasteless noobs, I pity them.
@Alinea_fr 3 essais pour commander un truc sur votre site, à chaque fois la dernière étape vide mon panier. Vous perdez du fric, les mecs…
Alors, kikivient au WP Tech? Venez $me tapoter() l’épaule pour dire() “coucou”;
@apelad Best. Tshirt. Ever! on woot, congrats & thanks, ordered 2 and I’ve already used that wise motto twice as replies to my wife :)
@woot not cool that you don’t see shipping fees (to Europe, in my case) *before* entering credit card details.