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- ozh.richard
- Nantes, FR
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Recent tweets « page 16
Breaking Hobbes. Or Calvin Bad. Your pick. pic.twitter.com/tcOqARtGHJ
RT @noeltock: WordPress theme shops, @Rob_Hope is selling his. 30 bids in already, check it out flippa.com/3516033-wordpr…
When I’m coding, I wish I had four hands. Two to type code, and another two to play the air guitar because that song is sooooo awesome m/
RT @ColtonDRG: Here is what I have so far for the GUI for my @YOURLS Client for @Android. Not too bad. @ozh pic.twitter.com/tNBW2GFwJX
On /r/PHP, “Pick one framework and describe it in 3 words” redd.it/2sk19r – I feel like my answer gonna get downvoted…
RT @BriceCapobianco: Le @WordCampParis c’est maintenant dans une semaine ! Avec la #deuch c’est mieux ;) pic.twitter.com/PQhJQ9I94p
Notepad++ site hacked because of their “Je suis Charlie” special release. notepad-plus-plus.org/news/hacking-n…
@pippinsplugins Hi Pippin, sent you an email a week ago through your site’s contact form about unit testing & a WC talk, just checking in :)
I think I’m going to try this. For science. And lulz, also. shipyourenemiesglitter.com
@ExpediaFR Kayak.fr liste des hotels avec des prix cassé par Expedia, mais une fois sur votre site, ah, là, non, pas la même histoire. Nul.
Dad and kids m/ pic.twitter.com/1CbIZnc5PD
RT @JoN1oP: Lessons that we take into 2015 mailpoet.com/lessons-for-20… via @mail_poet
“Je suis Charlie” for WordPress wordpress.org/plugins/je-sui… – thanks @BoiteAWeb
RT @smashingmag: Day of silence at @smashingmag.
RT @MaximeHaes: Tuez un dessinateur, vous en créerez deux.
@ptahdunbar Preparing a speech about WP plugin unit tests for WC Paris, and just stumbled on slideshare.net/ptahdunbar/aut… … Digging slide 9 :)))
@WordCampParis vendredi & samedi (& jeudi soir?) y-a-t’il quelque chose prévu en terme de “before” ou “d’after”?
Why you need a URL shortener i.imgur.com/YKtW35f.jpg :-) (a brain might help, too). Via @soixante