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Tweet Archive for February 2014 « page 4
Not sure why, but Firefox 27 makes my Firebug quicky responsive back again. Muuuuch appreciated.
Ellen Page’s coming out introduced me to the acronym LGBTQ: didn’t know Q. I suggest adding some more: Not Sure Meh Whatever. LGBTQNSMW.
@collinbarrett There are links in the readme showing examples
Interesting: glide.so converts Gist markdown into slideshow. Example: gist.github.com/MKENepre/74284…
@markjaquith a few cool other utils at this guy. I like github.com/LuRsT/numbrs
@wordpress_fr le probleme c’est que tout le monde les prend pour des stats universelles sur PHP :) Exemple: github.com/google/google-…
@BoiteAWeb je n’ai rien mis en place pour l’instant, mais je donne des chiffres sur yourls.org/cz et ozh.in/x2
@wordpress_fr il ne sont pas représentatifs d’autre chose que des utilisateurs WP. Avec YOURLS j’ai des stats radicalement différentes
Took exactly one year to make this: github.com/contributions Fun time! Now the message will slowly disappear …
A breakup scene made with movie titles. I think @Christophe_Co would like this one :) youtube.com/watch?v=0hInTz…
@m3themes Tweets doesn’t even resize correctly when the window shrinks. Utterly ridiculous.
@m3themes matter of taste I guess :) On my desktop screen, a profile page only shows one or 2 tweets, need to scroll for more. Ridiculous.
@wordpress_fr (sceptique, même)
@wordpress_fr je travaille pour une fois avec un WP francisé, j’avoue que le “Développeur cœur” dans les crédits me laisse septique… :)
@rmccue return( placebo( true ) );
@m3themes First thing that pops to my mind: “HEY, I’m not old and half blind, I don’t need THAT BIG”
Hard to tell if I’m visiting a Twitter profile or a Tumblr list of quotes. I don’t like it.
Rhooooa, #newtwitter, my profile looks like crap now. But still looks the same to many users. Dumb design decisions, Twitter.
@gabrielmoreno have fun. Make sure you start by RTFM: readme that ships with it, plus yourls.org/wiki
@gabrielmoreno I guess where you found it there’s a download link or a readme