Tweet Archive for February 2014 « page 5

@noeltock that’s awesome. Very talented dude you’re getting aboard :)

in reply to noeltock — 9:10am Feb 12 2014 —

@williamsba Nerds sites only, mostly

in reply to williamsba — 8:04pm Feb 11 2014 —

Best SublimeText extension around: GitGutter.

7:32pm Feb 11 2014 —

@Orteil42 cookieclicker needs a mirror. Your site is blocked at work :)

7:13am Feb 11 2014 —

@cfenollosa Haven’t tried it yet but I just love the idea of doing that :)

in reply to cfenollosa — 6:29pm Feb 10 2014 —

@tompoch59 ce qui ne fait qu’une seule alternative, donc :)

in reply to tompoch59 — 6:26pm Feb 10 2014 —… is a CMS written… in bash. I have to try this.

8:16pm Feb 9 2014 —

@scotthack maybe it’s just the project I was thrown in that uses too many colors, badges, cards, stickers and whatnots :)

in reply to scotthack — 1:00pm Feb 9 2014 —

@bengryspeerdt J’utilisais un wiki privé pour mettre des todo-list + discussions par mail, je trouvais ça simple et efficace :)

in reply to bengryspeerdt — 11:41am Feb 9 2014 —

Giving Trello a try. Maybe getting used to it ends up making sense, but, djeezuss, what a mess that interface is at first glance.

11:01am Feb 9 2014 —

@bueltge heh :) I’ll think about it when I have some time :)

in reply to bueltge — 8:06am Feb 8 2014 —

@bueltge I’m sure there are a lot of stuff covering this in and out already :)

in reply to bueltge — 11:04pm Feb 7 2014 —

Took me 5 minutes to realize my script breaks because I’m using $shit instead of $this. Meh. Derp.

11:00pm Feb 7 2014 —

I hope Travis-CI has a lot of paying companies as customers to make them profitable. I love their free for open source plan and service.

9:08pm Feb 7 2014 —

@domainr we want the .zh TLD. We. Us. Like, errr… me.

in reply to domainr — 8:21pm Feb 7 2014 —

@FreeWear a bit disappointed with my tshirt received today: size is L as expected, though a bit large, but neck hole is like XL or XXL

5:27pm Feb 7 2014 —

@Ramoonus I think @github should gamify the whole stuff a bit. Badges and medals and awards and and and weeeeeeeeee :)

in reply to Ramoonus — 5:07pm Feb 7 2014 —

I proposed 6 pull requests on @github this week. I think I deserve a badge or something, right? RIGHT? :)

4:23pm Feb 7 2014 —

@rmccue no worries :)

in reply to rmccue — 4:07pm Feb 7 2014 —

@rmccue neat. Also in the spring cleaning dpt, I think you can close #80

in reply to rmccue — 3:24pm Feb 7 2014 —