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Tweet Archive for August 2011 « page 3
@JomGapuz errr… dunno?
@cfurmaniak Paul Emploi a résigné!
@problogdesign yeah, love it :) More pics: ozh.in/tz
DONT vote for me to be the face of @aboutdotme on a Times Square billboard: about.me/ozh My profile pic there is way too scary.
@Viper007Bond jealous your world didn’t rock a bit? :) (I am!)
@technosailor new features can go under the related menu (comments, galleries, etc…) But for the plugin itself settings? C’mon :)
Bleh. Hate when I install a plugin then search in all submenus to find where the new sub page is. “Settings”, coders, “Settings” please!
@richardmtl I’m not a rider but anyway it’s mandatory in all Europe I think
@richardmtl Ha. How ironic & pathetic.
Helmet use laws chart: bit.ly/q4e6Jn thanks @danhgilmore
Thanks for the answers everybody (state by state laws)
Honest question, not trolling or anything: is it legal in the US to ride with no helmet? Or is it exposed to being fined?
@westi Would be interesting to do a comparison between Matt & Dries (style, leadership, ….) I have no clue how the Drupal world works…
VintageJS.com neat online vintagification of your images. Example: i.imgur.com/93YHB.jpg
@chriscoyier too bad it doesn’t resize vertically when tab content height changes (on FF6/Win at least)
lol greasemonkey script: play Mario Bros 1-up sound every 100th tweet you star on Twitter :-) bit.ly/nJU9De
Awesome! RT @markjaquith: #wcsf Q&A hot potato video — I really love this format! Would like to see more of this. www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQoJIk…
@EricMann that’s the audio version of today’s XKCD, right? :)
“I Like Wolverine” tshirt bit.ly/nVpH5M The “Like” button getting more… clawsome.
RT @dimensionmedia: Grabbed Professional WordPress Plugin Development. Now have good reading material if the power goes out later. :) #p …