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Tweet Archive for August 2011 « page 4
Honest logos bit.ly/qREfzM
Super digging: rampagedreality.com/ 100% geek comic mashup eye candy.
Digging: zombieyears.com/ News for everything zombie related (eg season 2 of Walking Dead announced) + an ongoing zombie comic.
Bleh. Yeah, of course, read *without* images in my last tweet. CSS drop shadows *without* images bit.ly/njJcAI
CSS drop shadows with images, neat bit.ly/njJcAI
Vertical mouse: www.evoluent.com/ I’m interested. Anyone ever tried this?
RT @benlobaugh: Excellent nay AWESOME #WordPress plugin dev book. Highly recommended bit.ly/hDHho9 #wpseattle
@Jaxkr_ yeah, totally! *cough* bedposted.com/ *cough*
FYI, you can use “XKCD” as an invite code for fitocracy.com (as featured today on XKCD). Come on, let’s all track our sexual habits too.
@Viper007Bond Related: gthing.net/the-true-price-of-s… both funny & pathetic article
I’m stealing this. RT @_mfields @olearymo: oh man. seriously the most cleverest business card ever. bit.ly/pix2w3
Futurama’s Leela bit.ly/pDzfI7 (slightly nsfw cartoon portrait)
Haiku fans should check the new automattic.com homepage
RT: @plugpresscom: @ozh @williamsba I ordered your Plugin Development book and am pretty pleased about it. Great work. Thank you
So far, the only change I notice in Firefox 6 is the domain highlight in URL bar. Which I find profoundly useless and unpractical.
@markjaquith I didn’t know you could chain methods in PHP… (PHP5 only I guess)
RT: @planetwp: ilovecolors: Slides from WordCamp San Francisco 2011 goo.gl/fb/YexAL
@Daniel15 I try one via PHP, it was painfully slow compared to the client side JS one