Tweet Archive for May 2011 « page 4

Adsense Adsense Adsense #webmusic by Abba

9:10pm May 20 2011 —

#000.history.go(-1) #webmusic by ACDC (which makes 44252 in decimal)

9:08pm May 20 2011 —

@DeanPerry This image sums up things pretty well:

in reply to DeanPerry — 8:40pm May 20 2011 —

/ #webmusic (shortest one ever :)

8:35pm May 20 2011 —

Agent #FF8040 #webmusic

8:33pm May 20 2011 —

At first I was “OMG LOL:))” but the more I think about it, the more I’m “OMG WANT!!”

8:16pm May 20 2011 —

@sleary yeah obviously there’s a bright side :)

in reply to sleary — 8:14pm May 20 2011 —

@_mfields everybody wants it? Build it, and tell to use it with a cache plugin

in reply to _mfields — 7:52pm May 20 2011 —

@DeanPerry Apparently legions of nuts believe this is the end of the world because god will uninstall everything.

in reply to DeanPerry — 7:48pm May 20 2011 —

@Ipstenu Heh, fun strategy :))

in reply to Ipstenu — 7:46pm May 20 2011 —

Today I learned what is The Rapture and the fuss around it. Oh. Hmmmkey. I see. Dear America, some of your people are seriously fucked up.

7:44pm May 20 2011 —

@lordvithis it might :)

in reply to lordvithis — 5:01am May 20 2011 —

I think there is something uber awesome with this page: Can you spot it? :)

11:13pm May 19 2011 —

@yoast didn’t hear back from you, got my mail? about book giveaway?

3:31pm May 19 2011 —

@Phillip_Copley + coupon code “FROST” for 35% off

in reply to Phillip_Copley — 3:13pm May 19 2011 —

@Viper007Bond Man, a 5.9 rating on IMDB screams “it’s crap avoid that movie”

in reply to Viper007Bond — 6:56am May 19 2011 —

@Phillip_Copley Kindle or PDF format are available

in reply to Phillip_Copley — 5:24am May 19 2011 —

@aloox2 probably because your server doesn’t have PHP and MySQL

in reply to aloox2 — 9:09pm May 18 2011 —

@codepo8 errr yeah, next *month*, no sweat :-)

in reply to codepo8 — 2:43pm May 18 2011 —

Just found out that @codepo8 will be giving a talk about HTML5 in my home town next week! Too bad I can’t go…

2:10pm May 18 2011 —