Tweet Archive for May 2011 « page 5

Reinstalling iTunes just reminded me that iTunes is not the crappiest software I have to have. There’s QuickTime, too.

12:53pm May 18 2011 —

Nice review of #plugindevbook by @sksmatt Review

7:46am May 18 2011 —

@williamsba I’m buying that theory

in reply to williamsba — 10:21pm May 17 2011 —

Today I learnt that the whooooole world knows Tintin. Didn’t expect that :)

9:40pm May 17 2011 —

@_mfields didn’t know about the word “heckle”. I like it :)

in reply to _mfields — 2:37pm May 17 2011 —

@iMoshi this is the intended behavior. There’s also a random keyword plugin in the project wiki.

in reply to iMoshi — 2:34pm May 17 2011 —

@imoshi Front end? Back end? “Ascending” links? I don’t get the question…

in reply to iMoshi — 1:17pm May 17 2011 —

Attention WordPress plugin devs: changes in 3.2 (mostly regarding jQuery)

9:23pm May 16 2011 —

@Christophe_Co soit pas si en colere, DSK ne fait que contribuer à pérenniser l’image du français queutard :-)

in reply to Christophe_Co — 8:00pm May 16 2011 —

(partial retweet for the lulz) RT @ActuallyNPH: HIMYM Season 6 Finale is TONIGHT! You should watch, as one character will DIE!

7:41pm May 16 2011 —

@edmarrp depends on the problem. Please file an issue

in reply to edmarrp — 7:05pm May 16 2011 —

@ryanimel minor glitch in Pros: “Western Europe” is a top level location, not a child of “Europe” (same thing for languages in Experiences)

in reply to ryanimel — 3:44pm May 16 2011 —

@enkerli joli nom de domaine ;)

in reply to enkerli — 2:11pm May 16 2011 —

WPCandy Pros is really neatly done, all using a regular WP install with custom post types. Registering worth it just for the inside peak!

12:13pm May 16 2011 —

@ArtemR don’t miss Edgar Wright’s other movies if you haven’t seen them yet: Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz, they’re pretty crazy

in reply to ArtemR — 11:03am May 16 2011 —

@williamsba man, your tweets are confusing. “Before”, “Chili”, “After”. I don’t want to know how this Chili became this After.

in reply to williamsba — 8:10pm May 15 2011 —

@wptavern @JohnPBloch and if it’s a video about videos, tag it “videos” as well, of course :)

in reply to wptavern — 4:57pm May 15 2011 —

@Christophe_Co j’ai trouvé la bande annonce très pénélope creuse en tous cas…

in reply to Christophe_Co — 8:12pm May 14 2011 —

Since my computer crashed a few days ago, I left Win XP for Windows 7. I’m very positively impressed so far by this OS.

9:03pm May 13 2011 —

@markjaquith you’re buying a pair of HandTrux ?

in reply to markjaquith — 8:28pm May 13 2011 —