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Tweet Archive for March 2011 « page 7
I think I’m going to be live at wpcandy.com/stream in a few minutes, with Brad & Justin, about our book :)
@itsananderson not sure, still waiting for @wpcandy details. I’ll update when I know :)
Preparing for an online interview with @wpcandy, @williamsba and @justintadlock about #plugindevbook. Come laugh at my fwench accent :Þ
@BoiteAWeb oué vazy, je manque de temps ces temps-ci :)
@Otto42 thanks for the reminder, I do remember that post from Matt now :)
Thanks everybody about the Skype port setting. Did I mention I hate Skype? :)
Just discovered that if I run Skype, I cannot code on localhost webserver? Damn I hate Skype…
Peeps, now would be a good time if you want to bribe @williamsba and win a copy of our book on facebook.com/plugindevbook ;)
@dexbarrett conflict between tag base & category base in permalinks: had Category base set to… “tag” (for ages, probably)
@EricMann there’s a LunchToggle setting. Just don’t eat again.
@matthewmuro You beat me, still haven’t got my hands on it yet :) cc @justintadlock @williamsba
On YOURLS blog: YOURLS Plugin Example: Conditional Toolbar yourls.org/f
@_mfields noooooo you were supposed to read my book before getting this working :)
@techvivekparmar it’s a giveaway. Details: bit.ly/gYksKr
@white_shadow for me it was a tag base / category base conflict, resolved now
RT @williamsba: We’re giving away 3 FREE copies of #plugindevbook to our FB fans later today! Just like us to enter! bit.ly/e6RTwl
Thanks to @white_shadow’s findbroken.com/ I just found out that all tag links on my main blog go 404. Hey, wtf WordPress.
whichtestwon.com/ Very interesting collection of A/B tests
Finally found a Skype version that works on my computer: 4.1.0 from 2009… Thanks oldapps.com
Had a functional old Skype install. Updated to latest: crashed. Tried beta: crashed. Reverted to old version: crashed. Screw you, Skype.