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Tweet Archive for March 2011 « page 8
@Mr_Harmlos my plugin should archive what’s found in your public tweet archive rss. Not sure how “new” RT are treated there
Cool: the Daft Punk Keyboard :) www.najle.com/idaft/idaft/ Trying to make it better faster, never over.
@EricMann I, for one, bit.ly/HateMarkdown. I mean, seriously? Bleh.
@williamsba wow that’s seriously sexy and neat. All theme framework devs need to do this!
@jenavian_charto rofffffl :)) omg loule. Cinq you :)
@aaronjorbin now it works :)
Reminder for late crowd: fan us at facebook.com/plugindevbook and win a free copy. More info: bit.ly/ftdvP3 #plugindevbook
@aaronjorbin FYI scotchisforshippers.com shows a blank page on FF 3.6
@andrea_r oui :)
@petemall “ôze”. Like I said. No exceptions allowed.
@Ipstenu now *you* could do the same kind of stuff, because, I mean, “hipsteenoo”??? :)
@tomslominski hey don’t laugh at me! :)
Public Announcement: How to Pronounce “Ozh” youtu.be/L2YlAiUf9yM and ozh.in/ui. You know, for, errr, interviews and stuff ;)
I just unlocked the “Published Author” badge on @foursquare bit.ly/fhg375
RT @wrox: Wrox direct price on the ebook is $29.24 with “FROST” 35% off discount code bit.ly/plugindevebook #plugindevbook
@digitalpure FYI the publisher is looking into the Kindle price with Amazon. Alternative: bit.ly/plugindevebook cc @williamsba
Review of #plugindevbook by @ronalfy: wp.me/p1fJOv-4Q I can tell you nothing warms the heart more than a review like this :)
Fan us at www.facebook.com/plugindevbook and win a free copy. More info: w.illiams.com/ftdvP3 #plugindevbook
@pixelDanny cheers!
@Jtsternberg cheers!