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Tweet Archive for March 2011 « page 6
@itsananderson yes, it is, end of chapter about HTTP requests
@Mamaduka it was yesterday, winners have been announced, etc…
@EricMann if you want to make our day, drop a review on the Amazon page ;) cc @williamsba @justintadlock
@EricMann these things just sneak in as they’re not really what’s the plugin is about. Fear not my humanity, I surely made lots of errors ;)
Wow, thanks for the suggestion Amazon, that looks like a neat book indeed ;) i.imgur.com/sJixk.png
@EricMann @itsananderson I think it’s that I define $cache but then just hardcode the cache duration at 60*5
@EricMann typo/error on that page? On my way, going to check that! cc @williamsba @justintadlock
@Ramoonus and: IN STOCK. Plenty of people have already received it: http://search.twitter.com/search?q=%23plugindevbook
If you missed it: yesterday’s interview of myself, Brad and Justin about our #plugindevbook, by @wpcandy: bit.ly/f3kK8O
@itsananderson yes but, hey, paperback! :)
@Ramoonus it’s available. Paperback: amzn.to/plugindevbook, ebook: bit.ly/plugindevebook (use code “FROST” for discount)
@CgXxX bien sur: publie le quelque part et envoie moi un lien
@itsananderson Lucky you, I still haven’t got my hands on that book yet :)
@tweetlist You should support any custom shortener using YOURLS, as they all leverage the same built-in API. Get in touch if I can help!
Facebook slacktivism (and zombies) i.imgur.com/26V0L.jpg
Road to WordPress 3.1 vimeo.com/20301230 Fantastic visualization of all commits ever made to WP. Looks like space ships & lasers, PEW
Interview is over, that was fun to do :) Thanks @wpcandy!
Join the party! @ozh, @justintadlock and @williamsba live on @wpcandy at wpcandy.com/stream about #plugindevbook !
@andrea_r no mocking! I’m making huge efforts :)
Yep we’re live on wpcandy.com/stream :) Come join us @wpcandy, @williamsba and @justintadlock!