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Tweet Archive for November 2010 « page 7
@yoast @nacin @nathanrice anyway the set would be expendable via plugin, right? Hence, base set + API to register post formats?
@nacin but what would be the point of a non expiring transient?
@_mfields One thing to keep in mind: transients are not autoloaded like options, so they issue an extra SQL query when you fetch value
@pcforce ahah! indeed :)
@BoltClock 2 top links in www.reddit.com/r/WTF/ and I took a part in the older one
I’m happily delighted by the backfire @27bslash6 receives on Reddit about his book scam. Well deserved, moron.
@looztra Bonnaniv le vieux!
WTF of the day. Amazon wants backslash: they sell a book that promotes pedophilia, and won’t remove it. amzn.to/d3ewLG
@alexkingorg hmm… “minefield”. Pretty scary name for a beta, innit? :)
@chip_bennett I said “from the outside” :) No, obviously a whole pathetic story, the backlash is well deserved.
@itsananderson Send a resume to the TSA with a screenshot of your stats, that’ll get you a fun job
@markjaquith at least from the outside the whole TSA weenie grasping stuff is *very* entertaining :)
@JohnPBloch don’t forget to include wp-config.php with a hard-coded path
@JohnPBloch and name it a “WordPress plug-in”
@jeherve ouiche, cf readme.
THX A BUNCH! :) RT @yoast: Just unlocked the ‘overshare’ badge on foursquare, how glad are you all I’m not tweeting all those? :-)
@BoiteAWeb OK je regarderai comment ils font chez bit.ly
@BoiteAWeb non, je ne vois pas comment éviter un potentiel CSRF avec les bookmarklets…
@ArtemR planning to document how you “reverse-engineered” the hack? (search what in log files, etc…) This would be an interesting read
@CalvinF Bad idea, 1.5 itself fixes lots of stuff from 1.4.3, and there’s absolutely no guarantee there’ll be a 1.5.1