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Tweet Archive for November 2010 « page 6
@JohnONolan Food was pretty good, but I’m more into wine. Love wine. Never enough wine. Want more wine. :)
@DarrenMooney cheers!
WP 3.1 Rumors: there will be Custom Post Types, Custom Post Formats, Custom Content Sets, Custom Pages Styles, Custom Style Groups. Oh my.
@JohnONolan You get… my being quite unproductive this afternoon :)
5:10pm, back from lunch at my favorite restaurant in Nantes, FR, Le Picolo. Premium food, tasted 8 different wines. @OzhDrinks is happy.
@Christophe_Co “EDF”? ah oué, je connais. C’est chiant. Le méchant s’appelle Gérard et il a des méphisto.
@groovyPost neat short URL! :)
Hello @bueroflint and thanks for being my 2000th follower. You owe me a postcard! :)) planetozh.com/tweets/4108
@EricMann Looking forward to checking your plugin!
@ArtemR yeah. Like, giving all your emails to Facebook and its privacy habits sounds like a sane idea :)
Currently rofling on a reply in wp-hackers, from @yoast to a SEO “expert” :)
@justintadlock See also is.gd/gWP0N
@wptavern it’s not a category, it’s about how it will display on the front end. Post a “video”, category “Funny”, tag “lolcat, internet”
Discussions on Twitter are fun: more cc: than content :) @westi @nacin @chip_bennett @yoast @justintadlock @_mfields @nathanrice @ericmann
@westi what happens if a theme registers CPT and you switch to another one?
@nathanrice @nacin @yoast a closed list for post formats sounds like saying 3 years ago “Posts, Pages & Attachments. Period. No more needed”