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Tweet Archive for November 2010 « page 8
On YOURLS Blog: YOURLS 1.5 Released yourls.org/5
@nacin then branch the speak towards debugging and patching :)
@NuclearMoose Your command! ozh.org/snailmail.php :)
@yuletide The cool contest was for my 1337th follower, now it’s all reversed!
Reverse contest: my 2000th follower will have to send a postcard to me.
I can haz sirious study: gaw.kr/adCqlE Heavy SMS teen users have more sex, while heavy Facebook users drink and fight more. #orly
This is the most awesomest geek thing you’ll read today: the auto-buy bot from XKCD now real bit.ly/9kp62j
Awesome :) RT @onebigidea: @ozh name YOURLS after Prince the original name shortener – Prince Rogers Nelson -> Prince -> symbol
Following tradition of a popular Open Source software I like, I decided to baptize YOURLS 1.5 after a musician. Still not sure who though.
@utopiales2010 Bonsoir, je ne trouve pas de planning détaillé sur le site, avec les horaires de chaque animation… c’est mes yeux? :)
@noagendawall SQL Injection? I’d be curious to see that
@donncha no compression (all settings default I think)
@westi why? This way more people can play with the feature and hopefully give feedback?
RT @nacin/@flashingcursor: Intro to Post Formats in WordPress 3.1 wp4.us/29
@pcforce nope (didn’t even know that it existed tbh)
@pcforce cheers ;)
Interesting read: arguments for billing hourly vs quote estimate bit.ly/dj6PN9
What’s new in YOURLS 1.5 yourls.org/changelogtxt (I’ll blog something tomorrow). In a nutshell: PLUGINS OMG PLUGINS !1!!1!
@itsananderson NICE CATCH! I was curious to see their implementation, not disappointed. Thanks :)