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Tweet Archive for September 2010 « page 9
Something I don’t get with WP’s action & callback functions: pastebin.com/evvt3qtq
@sudarmuthu no prob, @StephenCronin asked for it too, I’m cleaning a few things and will upload it somewhere so you can try it
Scariest job *ever*. The Youtube video itself is scary. bit.ly/8Yrq5K (via @_mfields)
@_mfields holy shit… even not being subject to vertigo I find this scary as hell
@MacManXcom Thanks. I’ll let this run for a while and then probably release my plugin
I think my tweet archive is finally getting close to what I wanted planetozh.com/tweets/ (powered by a plugin of mine, still in dev)
Interesting: handle PHP fatal errors and hopefully avoid blank screen of death bit.ly/aUWObb Gotta play with this (PHP 5.2+)
On planetOzh: Infographics: The Process To Make WordPress Plugins ozh.in/tm
@glennansley lol :) I’ve put WP stickers on various places (car, fridge, bathroom) and wife was not happy. Conclusion: wives don’t <3 WP!
@Christophe_Co houuu, il a l’air émotionnant celui-là…
@hoisie FYI apps.facebook.com/smarttwitter… is full of 404 and cannot update settings (form points to a 404)
Got email saying “Hello, I’m blind. Your tutorial on ozh.in/l1 is worthless to me”. Feel so guilty. I never consider accessibility.
@KimAuclair @Elie_P bitly: hosted, stats. YOURLS: self-hosted, stats, plugins! Pour un très gros traffic, prenez bitly, sinon YOURLS :)
On planetOzh: My Tshirt Is Cooler Than Your Tshirt ozh.in/tl
@blakeembrey Head to yourls.org/issues and state your problem
@jonimueller cheers! :)
Add Google Scribe to your #WordPress blog: bit.ly/aen6kO
Starting a new job today in my company. Back to management.
Today’s XKCD (unofficial & followable on @xkcdrss) looks like a tempting viable online business model. Will do.
@nacin it can also take arbitrary parameters more easily, see bit.ly/cVWa54 (that’s why it’s really cool actually)