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Tweet Archive for September 2010 « page 8
@wpml you now have to insert it. Manually. Somewhere. UI fail? Yes. bit.ly/bdERHC cc: @Otto42 @photomatt
I find it really stupid that you have now to put your own name as a “Contributor” in your own plugins. Just updated 29 readme.txt … #fail
@ha17 I won’t put it on github, but you can easily import from google’s SVN there
@glennansley @Viper007Bond hehe, more in comments. I wanted to show the inner stuff, esp. understanding the arguments & how they work
@Cliophate shorten more links? By the way I don’t get why people want their URL shortener make longer URLs. Sounds pretty dumb to me.
The “Radio” feature in @Spotify is abysmal. Listening to “Heavy Metal”, I get mainstream pop shit I didn’t know exist.
OMFG. A 40 minutes ISP outage. Thought I was going to die.
@jdub yeah probably a gigantic cube warfare mayhem :-/
Don’t buy stuff from @thinkgeek: they ship with a shiny paper catalog that makes it obvious you’ll have to buy a *lot* more fun stuff
Just found out “Tiny Projects Inspired by WordPress” code.trac.wordpress.org/
@razorianfly checkout using SVN on a local machine then upload via FTP, overriding all files
@razorianfly install YOURLS 1.5 (using SVN) and the Google Safe Browsing plugin to filter spam links out
@chip_bennett I was subscribed as ozh[at]planetozh.com, which forwards to ozh[at]ozh.org, but could not post using this one
aaaaand I just figured out why my message on wp-hackers have been filtered out for the last 3 months. Duh.
@sudarmuthu @StephenCronin my Tweet Archiver plugin ozh.in/to
@onebigidea not sure, see bit.ly/9c9m9t that @nacin just proposed
@nacin you the rockest of all rockers
@onebigidea yep, unless you add_action( ‘bleh’, ‘bleh’, 10, 0 ) to reset that. I find this a bit counter intuitive :)
@nacin yeah I figured that out, but I was just thinking that by default all the default param values where obeyed under all circumstances