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Tweet Archive for hashtag “#plugindevbook” « page 2
RT @williamsba: We’re giving away 3 FREE copies of #plugindevbook to our FB fans later today! Just like us to enter! bit.ly/e6RTwl
Reminder for late crowd: fan us at facebook.com/plugindevbook and win a free copy. More info: bit.ly/ftdvP3 #plugindevbook
RT @wrox: Wrox direct price on the ebook is $29.24 with “FROST” 35% off discount code bit.ly/plugindevebook #plugindevbook
Review of #plugindevbook by @ronalfy: wp.me/p1fJOv-4Q I can tell you nothing warms the heart more than a review like this :)
Fan us at www.facebook.com/plugindevbook and win a free copy. More info: w.illiams.com/ftdvP3 #plugindevbook
FYI: #plugindevbook should start shipping March 7th from the warehouse, give it a week or so to show up at amzn.to/plugindevbook
Profit! RT @denzelchia Just bought #plugindevbook by @justintadlock @williamsba & @ozh, this could be my ticket to being #1 on WP Questions!
So, #plugindevbook is available in PDF. Want to know more? Overview, details and TOC ozh.in/uh
Reading 3 years old code from myself. Makes me want to go back in time and slap me in the face with a 468 pages #plugindevbook PDF.
@itsananderson I asked @nacin when writing #plugindevbook and he replied they *might* be internally used at some point, but are buggy.
this. RT @williamsba Professional WordPress Plugin Development Available for Presale on Amazon! w.illiams.com/dEl1P6 #plugindevbook
Ooooooh grab.by/80RR #plugindevbook #sneakpeek #teasing
Hey, how does that look? grab.by/7PZA #plugindevbook
Day home to work on #plugindevbook edits. The next solicitor who’ll ring my door gets a headshot.
I must say, reading your name as an author on Amazon is quite the dope ozh.in/amzn #plugindevbook
About to write the “To my wife/mother/whatever” line on the front page of #plugindevbook . Now accepting bribes if you want your name there!
Tonight we’ll be submitting our final chapters for #plugindevbook. Then wait for the Technical Editors’ feedback. Exciting times!
Not to brag or anything, but I think my chapter about the Rewrite API in #plugindevbook will be killer. Ok, bragging a bit :)
Trying to have everything I want to write about the Rewrite API fit the scheduled number of pages for #plugindevbook
Please everybody stop mentioning @williamsba so he can focus on #plugindevbook