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Tweet Archive for September 2014 « page 3
@markjaquith Le frown!
@StephenCronin not updated recently enough? I guess they poll the “Recently updated” list
@srescio I’m 100% confident in my forward compatible plugin & theme coding best practices ;-)
@StephenCronin I’ve fueled my Paypal account with enough for the next 100 years! :)
Apparently, all WordPress plugins are (unofficially) mirrored on Github, with tags and everything: github.com/wp-plugins
Added define( ‘WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE’, true ); to all my wp-config.php to apply ALL future updates, minor & major. When I die, my blogs wont’!
@rzen neat! thanks for letting me know :)
RT @skipology: Just set a YOURLS shortlink system up by @ozh + plugin by @norcross recent post test skip.re/horses BITLY would be U…
@ArtemR ROFL. I think I would have instantly died upon seeing that for real, though.
“One small step for man but one giant leap for whisky”. No wonder Ardbeg is my fave whisky :) theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2…
@joetek the blog post says they’re working on that feature, ETA couple of days
Remember Jaiku, that Google bought and then killed? Given Twitter’s press, now would be a good time to relaunch it…
@Christophe_Co mes premiers émois sexuels… les Porsche 911 noires dans Condorman!
“WordPress 4.0 ships today! Are your plugins all set?” Nice mail reminder from the WP folks
@mikelittlezed1 @nacin Heh. alias crontab=’crontab -i’ (as well as rm=’rm -i’) saved me a gazillion times I think.
DreamHost has an option to “Automatically upgrade PHP” for your sites. Don’t let old stuff err on abandoned PHP versions!
@adamdehaven done. Nice website!
@williamsba FU
@startssl auth.startssl.com has been unreachable for days (SSL error), could you please look that (I need to renew a cert ASAP!)
A Single Div: a CSS drawing project by @lynnandtonic a.singlediv.com — very impressive CSS gradient design skills!