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Tweet Archive for February 2014 « page 2
@JohnMazzarella feedback on your presentation will be much appreciated :)
@JohnMazzarella You’ll find a few “celebrity endorsements” in the readme: Virgin, Dreamhost, Smashing Mag, the OECD are using YOURLS
@JohnMazzarella Google “powered by yourls” shows 215K results. In the long run, api․yourls․org will hopefully give stats but it’s too early
@JohnMazzarella number of install is unknown :( YOURLS 1.5 had 75K downloads before we moved to Github
@adamdehaven not that I know of. You can still bruteforce of course: 16^10 possibilities at 10 request/sec = up to 3486 years to crack…
Very very very neat: How to Use Mobile Emulation Mode in Chrome sitepoint.com/use-mobile-emu… via @DeFries
@joetek no worries, just sit back & enjoy the show :)
@joetek slomo twitpic required on this goal, the camera angle wasn’t too great on my stream :)
Internet Explorer, always quick to impress i.imgur.com/orGi7DB.png
This FIN vs USA is getting embarrassing… 5-0 for Finland and still 7 minutes to play…
@joetek I demand complete live coverage via Twitpic!! (I won’t bitch for a couple minute lag)
Argggh my hockey livestream just died right before Canada scores ARGGHHHHFUUUUUUUUUU
Things getting serious: USA vs CAN now. My heart i goes to CAN but odds are in favor of US I’d say
@WillItCompile features are detailed on the road map yourls.org/roadmap
@adamdehaven not that I know of but never underestimate people’s stupidi I mean “creativity”
@WillItCompile as the name says: “work in progress”. Also: github.com/YOURLS/YOURLS/…
@nacin that moment was amazing. The referee truly must have gone “OMGGGGGPHEWWWWWWWWWW”
@joetek was that a 20 minutes OT ?? Unlike men who have 5 mn?
@joetek stressed up a bit for the next 5 minutes, heh? :)
@adamdehaven 1 & 2 : plugin territory. 3: I think there’s an open issue about this