Tweet Archive for May 2011 « page 2

@NewsCrier stop mentions

5:07pm May 27 2011 —

I’d say “héhé” :) RT @genelocklin: Thank you @ozh for updating @yourls for IDN’s. ➋➌.ws/idn

5:05pm May 27 2011 —

Dear followers: due to extreme laziness and taste for quick stuff, if your tweet is too long I’m not …(cont)

1:06pm May 27 2011 —

The Umbrella umbrella. I think I’m going to buy that one…

6:50am May 27 2011 —

@jfix I’m honored!

in reply to jfix — 5:28am May 27 2011 —

OMG, @iandstewart is totally hitting on Twenty Eleven.

9:01pm May 26 2011 —

@rybo be sure to let me know if you complete this!

in reply to rybo — 6:53pm May 26 2011 —

@rybo add an option menu where to input API URL and signature, and that’s a killer extension :)

in reply to rybo — 6:51pm May 26 2011 —

@rybo looks nice! I’ll definitely give a look at this, thanks for sharing

in reply to rybo — 8:39am May 26 2011 —

“We’re sorry. Music Beta is currently only available in the United States” Well, screw you Google.

9:20pm May 25 2011 —

in reply to lucianop — 3:53pm May 25 2011 —

@zamoose I’m still trying to find a page with an infinite Munroe Number. I shall not fail at this.

in reply to zamoose — 2:01pm May 25 2011 —

@Phillip_Copley the rules say: link not in parenthesis or in italics. Pronunciations are inside parenthesis.

in reply to Phillip_Copley — 1:57pm May 25 2011 —

@rarescosma totally works from Greek Language!

in reply to rarescosma — 1:56pm May 25 2011 —

Today’s XKCD alt text on the image (the “Wikipedia trivia”) is mind blowing. It seems to be true.

1:47pm May 25 2011 —

@IronMaidenFC now that’s ultra awesome. Wee need clean posters with that.

in reply to IronMaidenFC — 12:19pm May 25 2011 —

@sethgoldstein search in issues and you’ll find the answer.

in reply to sethgoldstein — 9:47pm May 24 2011 —

Quickly tried out… with “Fuck” and, well, some labels were quite funny…

8:15pm May 24 2011 —

@xavisys Yeah, next time I have some time to work on the plugin I’ll look into this.

in reply to xavisys — 5:55pm May 24 2011 —

@JohnPBloch @nacin @johnonolan @yoast @ericmann I’m not sure why everybody seems to think that’d be great to work for politicians…

4:42pm May 24 2011 —