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Tweet Archive for April 2011 « page 3
@SimonRobic je suis fier de voir que YOURLS motorise ton dyb.im :) (un petit plugin pour limiter les URLs à doyoubuzz uniquement?)
@EricMann @Viper007Bond plus, boobs: bit.ly/hFJQ6L
@Ramoonus not one (or I missed them all :) People too busy playing, I guess :)
@rzen yeah all these vids are gold :)
140 char reviews wanted. Portal 2: better than Portal? Improvements? Need bigger PC?
@Christophe_Co tu as vu ces affiches Canal+ bit.ly/eG6bqt ? Elles devraient t’aider dans ta strategie de choix de films à produire :)
@Ramoonus doh, sorry it got damaged during shipping :/ I hope you beat the mailman with it!
ROFL, über win indeed :)) RT @ArtemR Such a win i.imgur.com/HQZGy.jpg
@ChiefAlchemist1 and open source and free, too :)
@kerouanton yes, please do: scr.im/ozh
@kerouanton je suis intéressé si tu as un patch pour supporter l’IDN dans YOURLS
This is a must read: RT @davewiner: Why the password “this is fun” is 10 times more secure than “J4fS!2″ r2.ly/bbkx
@williamsba @JohnJamesJacoby I’m totally wanting to have some feedback on this too :)
@echofon changelog?
@Viper007Bond Simpler: paper.li/stop-mentions.html
@yoast paid, or do you review for free?
@markjaquith nice synthesis :)