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- Nantes, FR
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Recent tweets « page 39
Google UI redesign across all their sites = more clicks to get what you want. This seems to be their motto, recently.
Annual wine cellar inventory: ▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░ 50% done. Cumbersome as shit no matter how many bottles.
Just stumbled upon inthepoche.com, an open source self hosted read-it-later web app. I’ll give this a try, looks neat & nicely done
“It is stupid to use something that you can´t change and that you leave everywhere every day as a security token” ccc.de/en/updates/201…
Travelling to Russia and renting a car there? Watch this first to get an idea of local driving rules :-) youtube.com/watch?v=itMdLT… #omgwtf
Getting spam from @imvu which I never registered to. Nice touch: their unsubscribe link sends to… a 404. Morons.
Thanks all for the kid suitable horror flicks, some cool suggestions there :)
My 9 & 11 yo kids want to watch “horror” movies. So far we’ve watched The Birds and Jaws. Any suggestion for kids that age?
aem1k.com/world/ . Then see source. Mind blown.
OOP: interfaces vs implement vs abstract for dummies stackoverflow.com/a/1913185/36850
Can’t load any github page atm because the request times out on github.global.ssl.fastly.net … Not sure this is aptly named.
Win a $160 @dreamhost account credit for their 16th Birthday! #DreamHostsweet16 dreamhost.com/sweet16/
If developerexcuses.com had an API, I’d use it to close all issues opened on Github :-Þ “It can’t be broken, it passes all unit tests”
We at YOURLS are currently undergoing a unit test spree. Fun times :-)
Weeeell well well, I’m not sure it was all worth it in the end for Yahoo to display such lack of creativity. yahoo.com/dailylogo
Breaking news: listening to crap music can turn you ugly. Proof: youtube.com/watch?v=HVdzGg…
I think @scribu‘s blog post on how to reset a git fork is one of the internet page I check the most :-Þ scribu.net/blog/resetting…
@CyberLink download.cnet.com/9241-13631_4-1…. You’re welcome.
Dear @CyberLink, when I buy software, I tend to get very pissed when said software crashes randomly on me. Next time I’ll torrent you.