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- Nantes, FR
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If you like to locally check pull requests with “git pull –no-commit”, you may find this handy: github.com/ozh/ozh_git_pr
RT @Brilliant_Ads: Fiat: Drive Friendly pic.twitter.com/XlD09unIUF
RT @michaeltorbert: Update your WordPress plugins, or the terrorists win.
“Unit tests fail when run in Australia” :) github.com/angular/angula…
Best April’s Fool joke to day: metal-archives.com protects their whole site with a “human verification test” for metalheads m/
New gTLD are going to confuse the hell out of some people (dot whatever?), but count on Google to make things easier com.google
Today’s last day of Melodic Death Metal March, an online event that was much fun to run! Thanks for everything, WP ;) melodicdeathmetal.org
Jim Jefferies (Aussie comedian) on gun control in the US youtube.com/watch?v=1QrRur… Or, how to piss half an audience with points & humor :)
In 100 WP people to follow according to this list, there are 2 Brad Williams and 1 WebDeStudios. Get the message? :) codeinwp.com/blog/wordpress…
Merci everybody for le birthday wishes :)
Thanks, Google, mate. pic.twitter.com/axV20uf1po
PSA: put on some damn sunscreen already youtube.com/watch?v=o9BqrS…
@MeloDeathVideo We’re holding a 1 month melodeath event: Melodic Death Metal March, on melodicdeathmetal.org with one band featured per day
Business model of the year: for $50, turn your competitors logo into a penis. penised.com
In YOURLS sample config, placeholder var “site.com” was too confusing for noobs. I hope your-own-domain-here.com will be clearer
@yoast Do it. WP is afraid to drop 5.2 because of all the legacy or even abandoned installs which have been installed in the 5.2 era. Do it.
RT @mor10: You know… It’s only Pi Day because you write the date wrong. static.giantbomb.com/uploads/origin…
This one is for my Canadian namefellow @richardmtl i.imgur.com/vSIJn.jpg (yeah, I’ve just learnt about the word “namefellow” too)
@Metalliquoi Petite pub: savais-tu que Mars est le mois du Melodeath? Un groupe par jour à l’affiche sur melodicdeathmetal.org
Been offline on business trips most of the week. What’s that new WP drama I see mentioned here and there?