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Tweet Archive for January 2014 « page 6
@petervanderdoes @nacin YOURLS users are on shared too. I think it’s more because WP is older, started when 5.2 was OK and ppl don’t upgrade
@nacin the 5.2 share is incredible. I’m now running stats with YOURLS, obv not the same figures, but 5.2 share is way smaller, less than 10%
@smashingmag for more Lightbox scripts, sortable by features: planetozh.com/projects/light…
@no_fear_inc yeah, saw that earlier indeed
@ripienaar absolutely, it’s still advised to chmod your config files.
@Christophe_Co bah hop twtbg.me pour vérifier
@ripienaar I think it’s a great idea. Tecnically it has always had write access to all .php files unless you chmod them
@tomslominski it’s stock twentyeleven + a couple css lines as you can see in the source. Spent 7 minutes on it, at most.
YOURLS 1.7 and automatically encrypted passwords yourls.org/d0
@LnkSi I can’t find anywhere on the net a guide explaining how to install YOURLS on AWS… Where’s yours?! :)
Later today, don’t miss another post on blog.yourls.org highlighting another new feature of YOURLS 1.7. And did you update already?
@Beun hmm this is not built in the GUI (tried that client, found it very very limited). You need to open a shell window from it
@Beun in your git client. Unless all you have done is editing files through github, in which case, well, you need a git client :)
@BoiteAWeb arf… j’ai raté mon reply à un mec, j’avais pas vu :)
@BoiteAWeb tu n’utilises pas git?
@Beun You most likely don’t get git, then. Quick & entertaining read to master the basics (ie 90% of what you need) www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~blynn/gitmagi…
@ozh you don’t “overwrite” things in git (or any scm). You just commit new changes. Every previous version still available.
@Beun man, no, you didn’t :) git checkout a90d1096, git tag 1.6, git push –tags, done.