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Tweet Archive for November 2013 « page 4
@adamdehaven define(‘YOURLS_FLOOD_DELAY_SECONDS’, 0 );
@adamdehaven that file would work in YOURLS root
I dig the header animation of neat.io/bee/, I’m going to steal this for a while :)
@adamdehaven simple script like this: pastebin.com/t3JVTVdg
@adamdehaven that’s pretty easy to insert 1000 links and as many “hits” on links as you want on a test install
@adamdehaven no idea, but next version will help answer this gist.github.com/ozh/5518761
@ericandrewlewis Plugins would not add more top level menus than they do today: they would fit under Settings, Dashboard, etc…
@Ipstenu I’m just a counter example. An entire top level menu for *potential* plugins.
@adamdehaven I’m not an iphone user, but send me screenshots so I may pimp it on the blog :)
@simonwheatley @Ipstenu @nacin I can’t buy that Tools must exist because potential plugins may add there. My blogs for exmple: nothing there
@adamdehaven my view about licensing: Do whatever the hell you want with software I release, period :)
@tnorthcutt @ryancduff Sure, plugins register there, because they can, but potential plugins can,t be the reason why a top level menu exists
@toonvandeputte nope. And even, using a menu entry once every couple years doesn’t qualify for a top level menu imho
@ryancduff 2.7 actually :) planetozh.com/blog/2008/12/a…
@nacin import/export don’t deserve their own top level menu IMHO, typically used once. A button on the dashboard page would be even better
@Ipstenu but they add to it because that menu exists. Add a top menu named “Crap” and plugins will add to it :)
WP 3.8 suggestion: remove the Tools menu. In nearly 10 years of using WP (can’t remember when it appeared), I’ve never used that menu.
blog.zanorg.com/?perm=545 is pretty cool (albeit under heavy load)
Feb 3 to Nov 3, aint that fun? github.com/contributions
I’ve just found out you can abbreviate “” to “127.1”. My webdev life just got 4 characters faster.