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Tweet Archive for March 2013 « page 2
I started using Twitter exactly 6 years ago, not really convinced by the way :) t.co/F5HFh0GdAM
Don’t skip this article if you don’t know it: Pricing Experiments conversionxl.com/pricing-exper… Very interesting stuff
@GS_Marie marche très bien. Faut passer en HTTPS.
) . There. Sorry, @trepmal had me do this.
@codersumo Fun & looks promising! No support for PHP ?
@rmccue but where’s the demo of this & the matching theme? :)
@BleaderRaton cinq you :)
Heh, nice touch Google. Today’s doodle as I see it is about… my birthday :-) twitter.com/ozh/status/3154199…
@macbrink just ran a few local tests with small subsets (100+ images) in nested subdirs. Gotta figure how to use the plugin best now
@macbrink just realized also you were the Easiest Gallery plugin author, I hadn’t notice your Twitter username :)
WPMU DEV Giveaway winner: Marcel Brinkkemper aka @macbrink. Congratulations! ozh.in/w1#comment-201165
Getting spam links in YOURLS? Read this. yourls.org/ax
One day left to take part in the WPMU DEV Giveaway ozh.in/w1
@Elise_Andrew Pleased to know who runs IFLS (only FB page I read) Re: your gender, I must say I don’t care but yay, take that sexists :)
@marcobarrios nope. I want to make it possible to implement any DB layer, but I have no interest myself in doing so
@macbrink Any recommendation to add lots of pics? (150 folders & sub-folders, 15K photos) Seems to have a hard time scanning big dirs
@macbrink Quickly testing and trying to break your plugin — seems to work exactly as needed, thanks!
@BoiteAWeb merci
@BoiteAWeb oué pourquoi pas, ca peut servir :) merci