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Tweet Archive for November 2012 « page 4
@iPhoNewsRO sure: to fix that, undo the “something you did” that broke things. You’re welcome.
@trepmal Hu? Lies!
@Christophe_Co ados palichons au look dépressif, musique gnan-gnan, regards mièvres, magie… ouaip, ça va leur plaire.
RT @scribu: WP-CLI 0.7: wp-cli.org/#changelog
@joetek Yep, most people do. It’s just that my corporate firewall blocks a lot of non pro websites such as Twitter or FB :-P
@joetek there are a few already, I just don’t want to trust any 3rd party with that
@joetek ah, misread your tweets, I thought it was “email TO tweet”, which would be actually something I’d need :)
If you haven’t freaked out today yet, read this: www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2012/1… #internet #security #passwords
@Christophe_Co Si tu te sens d’attaque pour quelques graphiques :) Twilight For Math Nerds www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEG945…
Infographic of the day: Fanaticism in different religions i.imgur.com/MwOXy.jpg
@Ramoonus yeah, I infrequently read it, say every 6 months or so, and everytime it’s great discoveries again :)
@trepmal I’ve dissected it all to write t.co/DnHFjOE1, not *that* difficult honestly. Hardest part was imagining interesting uses
@trepmal Rewrite. The least known, for sure.
My “favorites” on Twitter has turned into an awesome small collection of witty & hilarious quotes. t.co/g5Izogc3
RT @HTMLbyJoe: I just realized that the opposite of “DRY: Don’t Repeat Yourself” is “WET: Write Everything Twice”
My favorite regex of all time : [ -~] www.catonmat.net/blog/my-favor…
@stephane_ito exactement :-)
@stephane_ito soit ça effectivement, soit…. magie! Je parie sur magie.
Earlier, if you missed it: On planetOzh: So, I’ve Tried Git. And it’s… ozh.in/vj