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Tweet Archive for September 2012 « page 5
@beaulebens <witty comment about your avatar being just a shade of grey off>
RT @white_shadow: 20+ Useful But Often Overlooked Utility Functions In WordPress bit.ly/OOa1sg
Bleh. I hate it when I receive a Paypal donation notice by email and can’t reply “Thanks!” because the sender’s address is invalid.
Love the utf8 check mark in the query string :) weheartit.com/search?utf8=%E2%…
@scribu Indeed, I missed the update down the page. Doh. Those copycats.
@scribu WP has a middle approach, with several stuff and stuffmeta pairs. I thought Reddit’s way was very extreme…
Interesting (and crazy sounding) : Reddit’s DB has only two tables, “things” and “data”. bit.ly/NMaPNs
For every weekday in August, I’ve swimmed(swum?) at least 1500 meters. Ladies who want to touch my pectoral & abs: single line, no fatties.
McDo Cashier: No more tomato, what you’d like instead? Me: Anything not full of fat and greasiness. Cashier: ಠ_ಠ Sir, this is Mac Donalds.
“To opt-out of our emails, login, go to user account, select this, do that….” Oh, well… No 1-click unsubscribe link? “Mark as spam”.
www.googleventures.com/ has an awesome header & background CSS trick. Love it.
RT @lukelewis: When the name of your magazine is ‘Where’, you really ought to be more careful with the layout i.imgur.com/Z8WpH.jpg
30 mins ago I didn’t know what “urbex” was, but now I got to find spots in my area. Must. Explore.
Funniest thing of the month: script kiddie sends pull request on Github to add backdoor in WordPress bit.ly/N590zG