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Tweet Archive for September 2012 « page 3
@RomainHeuillard ? pas bien compris la question, ni le rapport entre rapidshare et YOURLS :)
Lifehacker’s permalinks reveal original SEO tactics lifehacker.com/5944971/make-a-…
@AffFutureUK The unsubscribe link in your newsletter is a 404.
@Wcramblit no plans like this, but that would probably make a cool plugin
wut? There’s a new Twitter profile page being rolled in?
@trepmal not to reinvent the wheel you might want to give wp-cli a try?
@jasperdevdave heh that’s a funny one. Especially when grandpa and grandma come in :)
I can’t believe there are still so many people using an OS you need to “jailbreak” in order to install what *you* want to use…
@StevenHoeffer I don’t understand what you mean with “ddos blocks” or which file is “exploitable”. Me on mail: scr.im/ozh
@TheLoneCuber it’s the do-whatever-you-want-with-it license.
From the “Shut up and take my money already” department: The Popinator www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1cz8I…
@BleaderRaton rhoa excellent :)
@TheLoneCuber I don’t think so
@s0ixante of course, ch’connais :)
@s0ixante énorme :))
@boone damn… O tempora, O mores!
@nacin while you’re on fine tuning messages in WP, reminder: core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket…
@westi That’s great news. All my internet karma points to you if this happens soon :)
@westi having phpxref on xref.wp.org would seriously kick ass. Just sayin’.
@williamsba hehe cool :)