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Tweet Archive for May 2012 « page 2
@pgrytdal well that’s a shame, but not surprising since Twitter owns Tweetdeck and t.co
yi.tl/ is probably the slickest YOURLS implementation I’ve seen so far. Go check it!
A friend’s band has the same name as another band so they’re having an FB “Like” competition. Peeps, please “like” fb.me/Haricots.Rouges !
runforyourlives.com/ is my new goal in life. Seriously.
@RomainSaillet hello, non, désolé, pas dispo ce week-end là
@machbio no
@Christophe_Co Ca donne presque envie. Vivement l’appli amende.prune.gouv pour payer ses contraventions directement sur son telephone!
@Jeffre_Noh8 wtf
My 7 years old’s first attempt at some freestyle roller skate, on two wheels youtu.be/RZTuMHyUF10