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Tweet Archive for December 2010 « page 4
Look! Another guest post! RT @wpengineer Guest Post by @ozh :Adding Settings to an Existing Page Using the Settings API bit.ly/g2g26t
@beccajaynebrown me wants bass solo.
In case you missed it, I wrote a guest post on WPMU.org about how a page request translates into a MySQL query bit.ly/gZNShQ Go read!
lolilol. There’s a WP function named _doing_it_wrong() bit.ly/gPn6i7 Can’t wait for _epic_fail() to replace wp_die() :)
Eh. Yesterday I jokingly tweeted about Drumla (Drupal + Joomla) planetozh.com/tweets/4320. It… exists bit.ly/exDsk5
Eeeww, is WordPress’ Trac page centered now? Bleh!
QWERTY vs Dvorak vs .. hu? Colemak? colemak.com/Compare (hat tip: @brettprofitt)
Clarification: my tweet about my *not* switching to Dvorak was my current WPM in QWERTY. All I read about Dvorak is about getting 40ish WPM
I approve this message RT @pollyplummer How a Page Request Is Translated To a MySQL Query is.gd/iK2kg Awesome post by Ozh!
Why I don’t switch to Dvorak: i.imgur.com/tDbAW.png
@nacin tsssk, you’re such a WordPress noob ;) bit.ly/i9S4AL @westi @wjdennen
@wjdennen whether the host supports SSL or not *is* relevant. Again, your responsability, on a per use basis
@wjdennen it just registers a script. It’s up to you to register with http or https if needed (it can’t be forced, not all host support SSL)
Nice! Knew that “//site.com” is a valid notation, didn’t notice that the benefit is also complying to SSL preference bit.ly/e0nZOo
And of course don’t miss @wpengineer’s Advent Calendar series, good stuff coming in too! :) wpengineer.com/
BuddyDress and WPMU.org are doing a “12 Days Of WP & BP” series. Good stuff coming in! bit.ly/dZYU73
Neat! get_template_part() + get_post_format() = RT @dougal: Smarter Post Formats? dougal.gunters.org/blog/2010/1… #wordpress