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Tweet Archive for November 2010 « page 10
@_mfields Modify core files, go back to root directory and then right click grab.by/7fRn
@petemall cannot show this, it’s too ugly at that point :) (still reading the code trying to understand what I wanted to do exactly)
@wpmuguru I think *all* my plugins need updating. I’ve learned a ton of stuff writing the book :)
Currently trying to update a complicated plugin I coded 2 years ago. I’m all “WTF” and “OMG” all over the place.
@CalvinF he sure does :)
Overall authorcentral.amazon.com/ looks pretty slick. Looking forward to seeing how things go in there!
Ozh hates to write a biography of himself using the third person. Ozh thinks that makes him sound pompous. Still, sometimes, he has to.
@GadgetDon sure, if they are worth it (special features or design or something)
@digitalpure yeah got very manly kids ;)
@JohnPBloch And you’ve just killed me 3 times in 30 seconds. Pfff… /ragequit
Designing my 6yo kid bday invitation card. “What theme you want, son?” “Hmm… Dragons, skulls, monsters, robots, and dragons. With skulls”.
@nerdaphernalia lol :)
@InstantsFun the web app needs this: inception.davepedu.com/
@Viper007Bond my showers usually last 15 minutes. Peeing, shaving, washing, and lots of thinking. F’ the prudes!
Unscientific tests on my blog prove that mod_pagespeed is pretty cool with roughly 15% speed optimization on a wp-super-cached page
@gkurl much appreciated! I’ll have a beer on you, thanks again!
RT @DreamHost: mod_pagespeed Now Available! dhurl.org/1dd
@sryan_az cheers!
@sryan_az it’s the other way round: plugins can add their own icons. Nag the author!