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Tweet Archive for September 2010 « page 6
@petemall thanks!
@quotedesign probably, will see when I get the new Twitter on one of my accounts
Are the slides from #wcpdx on using WP & Git up somewhere? I missed that and would love to catch up.
@zamoose yeh, did have a look. Didn’t like the templating stuff, and I wanted to build something on top on WP
On planetOzh: Backup and Archive Twitter To WordPress ozh.in/tr
New definition of “WordPress loop”: @nacin blames @nacin for having no control over the #blamenacin meme.
@williamsba it is urgent you use this pic for your gravatar :)
@AbVegan this is often asked, should blog about it maybe. Short answer: dunno :) Depends if t.co points to bit.ly/bleh or longurl.com/bleh
Where does that require() come from? The include hierarchy in WP: bit.ly/9v33fG (big pic)
WordPress 3.1 rumors: there’ll be a blame_nacin() function (maybe named blame_nacin_dangit(), still undecided atm)
In case you missed it this week-end (too busy monitoring 2 WordCamps?), read my post about plugin pages on wp.org/extend ozh.in/tp
My tshirt today, which reads “STFU” in wide capital letters, seems to perfectly match my mood at the moment.
@lucianop good call!
A WordPress Fairy Tale wpfairytale.com/ Awesome minisite made for a page.ly contest (cc @bookchiq)
@gadgetwisdom I’m pretty sure there are tons already http://www.google.com/search?q=delete+revivions+plugin
Just reduced my wp_posts table by 55% deleting revisions. Do it sometimes. DELETE FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type = “revision”.
I have a feeling that @markjaquith’s “Shrimp Dinner Rule” will spread like wild fire :) #wcpdx
Holy shit, I didn’t even know about the Full-Screen button on the editor toolbar :) #wcpdx
@webord I’ll leave that to the publisher & Amazon :) #plugindevbook
Finished my current chapter for the 4th time. Should be neat now :) #plugindevbook