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Tweet Archive for March 2010 « page 3
@sudarmuthu anyway, I’d rather stick with SVN for now
@sudarmuthu no, why? Never actually looked at github, is that any better than Google?
This Chatroulette piano improv youtu.be/32vpgNiAH60 is massive WIN. Justifies on its own the existence of this silly service :)
@wptavern just FYI, I run planetozh.com frenchfragfactory.net scr.im twtbg.me and a few other little sites on the same shared hosting acct
@dougal I used to use an extension just for this feature. Really helps if you have lots of unrelated tabs, keeps them grouped
@rudolfpietersma …. Again: search source done and hack the PHP/CSS/HTML.
@quakelive getting really harder and harder to connect these days (Unable to load your profile data. Please reload the page, and try again)
@wptavern Drop anhosting. It’s not like wptavern is the new slashdot, if they can’t handle that, they suck, period.
Stat: 1 Twitter user out of 3 is a clueless idiot. See for instance @1kewldoode: no tweet, follows 1500, 500 follow back #itsnotfacebookffs
@rudolfpietersma short answer: you can’t. Long answer: search the source code and hack PHP/CSS/HTML
@rudolfpietersma there’s a sample file for a public interface in the package, edit its PHP/HTML/CSS to suit your needs
I thought I knew CSS precedence, then I’ve read this article: bit.ly/b7ju2x (probably via @nathanrice). A must read.
@rudolfpietersma this is custom code, ask the author for this
Hey cool, a freelance gig that requires YOURLS knowledge bit.ly/aQDQ3j :) #OMGWEAREBIG
@nathanrice yeah I think so
@nathanrice actually OB can sometimes speed things up. See ozh.in/cz for instance
twitpic.com/18n7qy – I try to match my users’ mood when they’re asking for support #noshit
@echofon support for custom URL shortener would be awesome :)
Anybody ever made stat usage of plugins such as Share This, Sociable and the likes? Do they really entice sharing? Feel like removing them
Saw the Hurt Locker. Or more precisely, the first half of it. Fell asleep. One of the most boring movie I’ve ever seen.