Archive for the "MP3" Tag

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Posted On: 2008 / 10 / 28

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Posted On: 2007 / 11 / 26

Christmas is approaching and I'm thinking a bit about what Santa could bring to me. One gadget I still miss because I've never found the perfect one is an MP3 player. Every time I read reviews, I just cannot understand why every single product seems to miss an essential feature or comes with a couple […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2007 / 06 / 11

I'm currently giving a new plugin a try: Odiogo's Listen Button converts your posts to an audio file, ready to be downloaded, podcasted, or just played from within the page while you're reading it. A few years ago I had tried something similar, but it sort of sucked: you needed to register first in order […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2007 / 05 / 05

Music Plus. I'M IN YER SERVERZ, STEALIN YER MP3! Too cool. Thanks Polo :)[...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2006 / 11 / 09

Fun stuff for the younger still in college :) Have teachers who go mad when they hear your cellphone ring ? Use the high pitched ring tone ! Indeed, most adult cannot hear this sound frequency (story) Whohoo by the way, I can :)[...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2006 / 04 / 18

I just found about, a Perl CPAN module that saves radio streams to individual mp3's. How cool does that sound ? The readme even says that with a proper MP3::Tag module, mp3 files are saved with correct ID3 tags, which I haven't tried yet. Usage is cake easy. Once the archive untarred, you […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2006 / 03 / 06

This screenshot of the "About…" splash screen is here to make French readers laugh. And they surely will, as the translation is by far the ubermost badest I've ever seen in a software, to a point that makes it pathetically funny. The whole interface of Station Ripper is more or less as gawky as you […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2006 / 02 / 14

Sepultura vs Pavarotti. Prepare to laugh.[...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2005 / 08 / 14

Just found out a cool service converting blog posts into MP3[...] → Read more