Archive for the "Javascript" Tag

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Posted On: 2012 / 12 / 20

I was having a look at my Profile page on and wondered how many downloads all my plugins had. Start Menu, Accessories, Calculat.. HEY? What am I doing here? Bookmarklet Fun The following Javascript snippet will do the job for you: < View plain text > javascript (function () {     var total […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2011 / 08 / 02

Often when viewing a Twitter profile, the same comment pops into my mind: "Does this person follow me?". That's a basic information Twitter profiles still fail to clearly show. There's a neat site you may know already,, which lets you know if user1 follows user2 in a very simple way: check (example). Simple, […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2008 / 08 / 28

jQuery docs in .CHM format (compiled HTML). Comes in handy especially given how often I cannot reach Why didn't I search for such a tool way earlier?…[...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2008 / 08 / 23

When updating my WordPress plugin Admin Drop Down Menu with all these cute icons from famfamfam, I felt a bit overwhelmed by them. I knew there were a lot of icons, I just never realized there were so many! Digging through 1000 icons for something that would match "Permalink options" is not that fast. After […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2008 / 04 / 27

For my next stuff I needed the Javascript equivalents of PHP functions basename() and dirname(). Nothing genius: < View plain text > javascript function basename(path) {     return path.replace(/\\/g,'/').replace( /.*\//, '' ); }   function dirname(path) {     return path.replace(/\\/g,'/').replace(/\/[^\/]*$/, '');; } It obviously supports paths like /home/ozh/stuff.php, or double backslashed Win32 […][...] → Read more

Adding javascript into an admin page is a critical part of plugin coding. Critical, because it is both trivial and probably reason #1 why it will conflict with other plugins if not done properly. When their plugin needs javascript, Good Plugin Coders™ have to make sure of the following points: add javascript only once: if […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2008 / 04 / 07

Sometimes, you stumble upon a cool Flickr photo and only know its static URL (something like 14488551_4945c8ea17_b.jpg). You'd like to go to the photo Flickr page (ie this), to know more about the author, and discover other pictures of the same kind? Bookmark this bookmarklet: Flickr Photo Page Quick explanation: Flickr image filenames in static […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2008 / 04 / 03

Early 2006, a cool guy named Lokesh Dhakar introduced Lightbox, a unobtrusive script used to display large images using modal dialogs over a black faded background. A great script, really. Since, every once in a while, someone comes up with their own take at this concept, using this or that javascript library (jQuery, Prototype, Mootools, […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2008 / 04 / 03

Pretty Comments is a tiny (1kb) jQuery plugin that makes textareas grow as content goes in. This should make a pretty cool addition to any jQuerified comment form. I think I'll add this here to my own theme when I have some time to do some coding in order to get rid of Prototype.[...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2007 / 12 / 07

Remove All Facebook Ads: the only Greasemonkey script for Facebook you'll really need. No more adds in pages and sidebar, or "sponsored" items in news feed.[...] → Read more