Archive for the "planetOzh" Tag

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Posted On: 2013 / 05 / 07

A quick ping today by Jeff Chandler reminded me that nine years ago this blog started running on WordPress. Time flies when you're worry-free :) So, before everyone celebrates WordPress' 10 years birthday, I'll blow a few candles first: happy 9th birthday planetOzh :)[...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2009 / 12 / 19

Christmas is around the corner, so how about a little giveaway? I feel like offering one of my readers a copy of The Smashing Book (313 pages, paperback, full-color images on coated paper, seems like a pretty book indeed). Drooling yet? Enter the giveaway![...] → Read more

Lately I realized that I absolutely don't care any longer about trackbacks. At the beginning, it was fun to get a notice every time someone would link to my blog, and I would religiously check their site and probably discovered cool blogs this way. But now? While I value comments, I just don't see the […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2009 / 07 / 29

Hey, guess who's back! After roughly 4 weeks offline I'm almost back to my computer. This has been a very enjoyable month: one week on the beach in the south of France with kids, ten days diving in Croatia with my wife, and visiting family in between. So, if you've sent me some mail, a […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2008 / 10 / 29

I find most online advertising from little to very annoying, but I admit I somehow like those 125×125 pixel banners and always pay attention to them on other websites. I've been wanting to play with these banners for quite some time now, but never really spent the few minutes to do so. I've applied to […][...] → Read more

Hello my dear Readers, guess who's back? My holidays were pretty enjoyable. I spent a lot of time with my two kids, and had a very enjoyable week with my wife in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico where we had a taste of all the great stuff this country has to offer: white sand beaches, warm […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2008 / 07 / 04

Yeepee, it's that time again. During the whole month of July, I'll be mostly offline: sporadic infrequent internet access to check any urgent email, but probably no activity on this blog. That means no code update, no great stuff for WordPress, no support for my plugins. I'm on the beach with my kids :)[...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2008 / 06 / 14

For nearly 3 years now, all my online activities including this blog have been hosted at DreamHost. Nearly 3 years of overall positive experience then, otherwise I'd be obviously somewhere else :) The reason of this post is that I've just received five DreamHost invitation codes, that are worth the following: 4 times the normal […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2008 / 06 / 04

Increasing the number of your subscribers is (or should be!) one of any blogger's goal. You write to be hopefully read, and your subscribers are people you are sure do read you. Now, what about increasing effortlessly your loyal readership by (at least) 20%? Twitter is a fun little tool I've never really found any […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2008 / 05 / 16

I've updated my Projects page, which was missing quite some works. It should now be up to date with all the stuff I've coded in the past few years. Hey, this page is starting to give me a little warm feeling of pride ;)[...] → Read more