Archive for June, 2008

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Posted On: 2008 / 06 / 30

Stephen, on his geek blog Nerdaphernalia, is running a series of excellent posts giving advices to plugin authors for neat subtle effects: adding a "Configure" link right next to the "Activate" link on the Plugins page, or how to give credit to your plugin without cluttering the page (I'm a big fan of the "Configure" […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2008 / 06 / 30

wpdevel follows what gets committed into WordPress core. This may be easier (and less cluttered) than the wp-svn mailing list (except for the occasional Twitter downtime that is:)[...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2008 / 06 / 28

twitvn: sends SVN commits to a Twitter feed. That'd be fun to have a Twitter account for, say, WordPress commits.[...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2008 / 06 / 27

The mother of all the feed plugins is back: Better Feed version 2.0 just hit the repository and it's now even better than better. For those who don't know it, Better Feed allows you to highly customize your feed, adding basically anything you'd like below each item: a copyright notice, an "Add to delicious" link, […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2008 / 06 / 25

According to this non-authoritative poll, nearly 50% of Firefox3 users think that the "Awesome Bar" is a huge piece of crap. I must concur: this is a *huge* piece of crap. The sad thing is, there seem to be no way of reverting to a normal behavior. A few Firefox Addons or about:config hacks make […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2008 / 06 / 14

For nearly 3 years now, all my online activities including this blog have been hosted at DreamHost. Nearly 3 years of overall positive experience then, otherwise I'd be obviously somewhere else :) The reason of this post is that I've just received five DreamHost invitation codes, that are worth the following: 4 times the normal […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2008 / 06 / 13

Funny: this post was aiming to be a collection of reasons why WordPress sucks. After a couple of comments pointing out more or less annoying bugs or features, the thread naturally evolved towards a lists of all the reasons why WordPress does not suck, to the consensus that it is the best blogging tool around, […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2008 / 06 / 08

If you're about to spend some holiday time this summer visiting Paris, I suggest you visit my friend Michelle's site, Gadabout Paris. This west coast American moved to Paris a few years ago and thought it would be nice to share her discoveries with the world: exciting places, things to see, things to do, restaurants […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2008 / 06 / 05

WordPress MU is a hacked version of WordPress that can manage several blogs from a single install. Basically, most of the things (plugins and themes) made for WP work for WPMU (don't take this as a golden rule though) Today on wp-hackers' mailing list, Donncha posted an interesting message about two fundamental differences between WP […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2008 / 06 / 04

Increasing the number of your subscribers is (or should be!) one of any blogger's goal. You write to be hopefully read, and your subscribers are people you are sure do read you. Now, what about increasing effortlessly your loyal readership by (at least) 20%? Twitter is a fun little tool I've never really found any […][...] → Read more