Archive for the "wp-hackers" Tag

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Posted On: 2010 / 05 / 11

Matt Harris, Developer Advocate at Twitter, posted in the wp-hackers mailing list some important information about the Twitter API. In substance, On the 30th June the Twitter REST API will stop supporting Basic Authentication and instead switch to OAuth. This means all user authenticated requests to the API must be OAuth signed, preferably using OAuth […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2009 / 10 / 23

By Joel Fisher in the wp-hackers mailing list: I in fact choose to use a coffeemaker to boil vegetables. Why? Because if I used something else that just makes coffee, my client would ask me "Can it boil vegetables?". WordPress is a powerful and flexible tool. Period. I love this :)[...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2008 / 10 / 22

Theme authors (and most WordPress hackers in general) use "Template Tags" a lot (the bits like &lt?php the_something(); ?>. The main reference for them is the Template Tags Codex page, but after a wp-hackers discussion I found out about this nicely formatted Template Tag reference. All in one place and handy (not sure how often […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2008 / 06 / 05

WordPress MU is a hacked version of WordPress that can manage several blogs from a single install. Basically, most of the things (plugins and themes) made for WP work for WPMU (don't take this as a golden rule though) Today on wp-hackers' mailing list, Donncha posted an interesting message about two fundamental differences between WP […][...] → Read more

Adding javascript into an admin page is a critical part of plugin coding. Critical, because it is both trivial and probably reason #1 why it will conflict with other plugins if not done properly. When their plugin needs javascript, Good Plugin Coders™ have to make sure of the following points: add javascript only once: if […][...] → Read more

< View plain text > php query_posts($query_string.'posts_per_page=-1');        while(have_posts()) {        the_post();        the_time();        the_title(); } This will display the time and title for all your posts. This could result in a very long page, and a more usable way of doing it would be to […][...] → Read more

I'm a reader of the wp-hackers mailing list. Besides some fairly useless and unproductive advocacy or opinion threads happening on an annoyingly regular basis, the list is also a very great place to share code tips and snippets. Someone asks a "how do I do this" question, and someone else (sometimes) comes up with a […][...] → Read more