Archive for May, 2010

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Posted On: 2010 / 05 / 25

Weeks ago, Ronald Huereca sent me a complimentary copy of his ebook WordPress and Ajax and I finally took some time to read it. I knew Ronald can craft good things (you've read stuff from him on WLTC) so I was curious but, hey, a whole book just about Ajax? Six word review It did […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2010 / 05 / 18

There's a cool (and underused by plugins) API in WordPress: the Transients API. Transients are temporary options, ie options set with an expiration time. Anytime you're storing options and they have a short life span, you should use transients instead.[...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2010 / 05 / 11

Matt Harris, Developer Advocate at Twitter, posted in the wp-hackers mailing list some important information about the Twitter API. In substance, On the 30th June the Twitter REST API will stop supporting Basic Authentication and instead switch to OAuth. This means all user authenticated requests to the API must be OAuth signed, preferably using OAuth […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2010 / 05 / 07

A few days ago, Twitter published a new tool that lets you embed a tweet on your site, simplifying the old school way: take a screenshot, crop the picture, upload it, embed it. The problem is: this Twitter tool is way too lame. Basically you need to cut and paste a lengthy code snippet full […][...] → Read more