Archive for the "OAuth" Tag

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Posted On: 2010 / 08 / 08

The bad news: in 8 days as of writing, Twitter will be shutting off basic authentication for third party applications. No more entering your login/password, but a more secure OAuth system that redirects you to Twitter's site and confirm you're allowing access to your account. All this, honestly, kind of sucks. The good news: I've […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2010 / 05 / 11

Matt Harris, Developer Advocate at Twitter, posted in the wp-hackers mailing list some important information about the Twitter API. In substance, On the 30th June the Twitter REST API will stop supporting Basic Authentication and instead switch to OAuth. This means all user authenticated requests to the API must be OAuth signed, preferably using OAuth […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2009 / 04 / 21

If you're a Twitter user, got a WordPress blog, and would like to throw in some interactions between those two, don't miss this plugin: Twitter Connect. Using the brand new Twitter's OAuth API, this plugin lets you identify yourself using your Twitter account. I like it for several reasons: it's cool, it's quick, and it […][...] → Read more