Archive for August, 2008

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Posted On: 2008 / 08 / 29

If anyone is interested, I have invites for Jaiku, Google's Twitter service. Leave a comment with your email.[...] → Read more

The WordPress Theme Toolkit is a tool that allows theme authors add an admin menu as easily as editing 3 lines, and it powers dozens of WordPress theme back ends. Although everything still works fine and will probably work with all future versions of WordPress, I did not update its code in a while and, […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2008 / 08 / 28

jQuery docs in .CHM format (compiled HTML). Comes in handy especially given how often I cannot reach Why didn't I search for such a tool way earlier?…[...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2008 / 08 / 25

To those using comment moderation on their blog, here is a simple trick that should become part of every theme. I just left a comment on Logo Design Love, an empyreal blog about logo design by David Airey. My comment went into moderation as per his comment policy, but instead of the standard message you've […][...] → Read more

As you may have read it already on Lorelle's blushful announcement, I made a Comment Counter widget for Liz Strauss. Liz Strauss is considered to be an expert in the art of engaging conversations and, for blog, comments (I dig her blog tagline "You're only a stranger once"). One day Lorelle and Liz were chatting […][...] → Read more

Edit: Oops! I actually forgot to press the "Commit" button :) Now you can get the new version! Here is another update of your favorite plugin, the ubermighty Admin Drop Down Menu. I'll make it short: Fixed: a bug with Safari & OSX that was causing sort of blank screens. Thanks to Dale for being […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2008 / 08 / 23

When updating my WordPress plugin Admin Drop Down Menu with all these cute icons from famfamfam, I felt a bit overwhelmed by them. I knew there were a lot of icons, I just never realized there were so many! Digging through 1000 icons for something that would match "Permalink options" is not that fast. After […][...] → Read more

Update: I've update the plugin doc and added a page for plugin coders. I've just committed version 2.3 of the mother of all admin menu plugins, Admin Drop Down Menu, and there are some pretty hot stuff inside. Plugin coders, be sure to read this till the end. First, it's finally ready for translation. That's […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2008 / 08 / 15

The plugin quick reviews I recently did (Plugin Competition roundup, part 1, part 2) got two consequences so far. First, they generated some feedback from readers asking for insights or advices, and second, they quite left me in perplex astonishment regarding how many coders ship plugin with messy code. About the second point, I threw […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2008 / 08 / 10

Internetrepreneurs drive mom cars and drool over a Bugatti Veyron (or an Aston Martin DBS). Entertaining read if you're a bit into cars.[...] → Read more