Archive for March, 2006

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Posted On: 2006 / 03 / 30

Hooooooooooo mon dieu. Joie et félicité : plein de parker+lewis sur Dailymotion. Je bave de plaisir.[...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2006 / 03 / 30

I've been recently rather hooked into, and, pardon the pun, it rocks. Well, except that someone had already registered the username "Ozh" and I had to twist a bit. I've always liked statistics and useless figures, so a service computing charts of most liked artists and tracks I'm listening to is fun. I even […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2006 / 03 / 29

I'm a Libertarian. Or something.[...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2006 / 03 / 09

I have a new face (get your mouse over me) (this post is not feed reader friendly, sorry :). I'm not completely used to it yet, the previous one lasted 10 years :)[...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2006 / 03 / 07

We at home have the ultimate weapon against telemarketers, those annoying people who hassle you with phone calls at indecent hours, when you're expecting some quietness at home after work. Our ultimate weapon is : the 3 year-old kid. Everytime the phone rings, Oscar runs and gets it. And starts talking just as if Grandma […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2006 / 03 / 06

Real Life Simpsons Intro. This. Is. Huge.[...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2006 / 03 / 06

This screenshot of the "About…" splash screen is here to make French readers laugh. And they surely will, as the translation is by far the ubermost badest I've ever seen in a software, to a point that makes it pathetically funny. The whole interface of Station Ripper is more or less as gawky as you […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2006 / 03 / 05

I've just noticed something funny over at Colly Logic. Go there, and resize your window up and down while paying attention to the upper right corner. Nice trick.[...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2006 / 03 / 03

"The Top 100 blogs in the blogoworld, aka the "A List", is a closed and incestuous society, as they mainly link to themselves" This statement is from someone named John Scott (via). By the way, to me, this is a fallacy. The Top 100 blogs are in the Top 100 because everybody link to them, […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2006 / 03 / 03

HA ! This is too silly. Some folks with way too much spare time over at Microsoft are developping a way of managing your email with… a mouse and a keyboard ? Old school ! Too lazy ! With something like a Dance Dance Revolution pad. Yes. This is called StepMail (video .wmv, 21 mb) […][...] → Read more