Archive for the "Perl" Tag

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Posted On: 2009 / 06 / 26

One of the sites I'm running is a long established community website with zillions of posts and bazillions of comments. The whole stuff is powered by a home made CMS written in Perl, something I did nearly 10 years ago and that is totally outdated today. For instance, there were no such things as "comment […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2007 / 08 / 17

Have you ever "ls -l" a file or directory, watch its "-r-x–s-wT" symbolic notation and ask to yourself: "what the hell is that chmod ?". This was the case for me several times today, so before I spent 1 minute on thinking about the notation, I decided to spent 5 minutes on a quick Perl […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2006 / 04 / 18

I just found about, a Perl CPAN module that saves radio streams to individual mp3's. How cool does that sound ? The readme even says that with a proper MP3::Tag module, mp3 files are saved with correct ID3 tags, which I haven't tried yet. Usage is cake easy. Once the archive untarred, you […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2005 / 01 / 08

Spammed ? Delete all mails in a click ![...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2004 / 10 / 20

Website to paste code, then discuss it[...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2004 / 09 / 28

A .reg hack to add Perl power into your Windows searches ![...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2004 / 05 / 08

A few "refcards" (reference cards) I found and kept[...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2004 / 05 / 01

Collection of Perl one liners[...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2004 / 03 / 12

Light (and ugly) perl shell[...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2003 / 12 / 07

Retrieves modification date of a file, returns it in various formats[...] → Read more