Archive for the "SEO" Tag

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Posted On: 2009 / 04 / 24

Filed in the "I hate SEO plugins" category (why), and tagged as "but some are better than others", there's an article on Urban Giraffe that gives a comparison of WordPress SEO Plugins. The article is factual and tends to prove that HeadSpace is the most comprehensive and featured pack plugin, particularly compared with All In […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2007 / 12 / 03

One of the lesser advertised and known feature of Facebook is that you can link to a prettier profile URL than the default and rather lame profile.php?id=123456789. For instance, my profile URL is either: Ozh (full profile, sucky URL) or Ozh (short profile public page, slightly less sucky URL). From an SEO perspective it does […][...] → Read more

I've seen recently a lot of plugins for WordPress aimed at taking care of the duplicate content issue in search engines. Don't get me wrong, those plugins are doing well what they were created for : adding a meta tag in some pages so that Googlebot and its friends don't index them. The problem is […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2007 / 04 / 27

I stumbled upon a forum post on Digital Point Forum : someone is selling their Spiderman 3 trailer site. The revenue and traffic stats are quite juicy : around $450 for the last 3 months, which is really not bad considering the low amount of work put into the site (4 or 5 pages, some […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2006 / 01 / 06

SEO tools for popularity : sex & legos[...] → Read more

Introducing a new theme I've worked in[...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2005 / 11 / 03

Yahoo's Slurp got caught in the typo hell[...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2005 / 10 / 29

Welcome to teh kyeword list.[...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2005 / 10 / 08

My wife is launching her site[...] → Read more