Archive for the "Cult" Tag

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Posted On: 2007 / 08 / 28

In a few days (September 5-7, 2007) Finland will be holding the Air Guitar World Championships. WTF, you say? I've just spent half an hour on Youtube watching Air Guitar videos, and boy I laughed hard:) Basically, it's playing the guitar, except you have no guitar. And they make local, regional, national and eventually World […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2007 / 08 / 23

Little Miss Sunshine: OMG. I laughed to tears.[...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2007 / 06 / 14

I'm the kind of guy who listens to one and the same band over a period of time. Like, I find a CD I had forgotten for a long time, or a mismoved mp3 directory buried deep somewhere in my hard drive, and I go "hooooooo I love them" for a week. This time, and […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2007 / 04 / 30

My latest musical craze is a damn funny metallish band named Bloodhound Gang. Their music really fits my taste, with a lot of heavy and fat guitars, but once you pay attention to lyrics, you cannot help but smile, then laugh, then play it again :) The band really gives the impression they're doing all […][...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2006 / 12 / 17

The Most Dangerous Roads in the World. Thrilling pics. (And the whole blog is mostly fascinating)[...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2006 / 05 / 11

PAPA9: I soooooo wish I could be there. Pinball has to be the thing that gave me the greatest excitement moments in my life :) I'll trade my wife for a Robowar.[...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2006 / 04 / 12

Nothing cool on TV ? Watch the whole Ali G collection on Youtube. Respect ! I is laughing so hard with me friends ![...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2006 / 04 / 09

Homagod. Simply named Guitar, this version of Pachelbel's soapy Canon is awesome. So awesome that already 2.5 millions saw it and it's been featured in the NY Times. And as usual, I'm late on this kind of stuff everybody already knows :)[...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2006 / 03 / 30

Hooooooooooo mon dieu. Joie et félicité : plein de parker+lewis sur Dailymotion. Je bave de plaisir.[...] → Read more

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Posted On: 2006 / 03 / 30

I've been recently rather hooked into, and, pardon the pun, it rocks. Well, except that someone had already registered the username "Ozh" and I had to twist a bit. I've always liked statistics and useless figures, so a service computing charts of most liked artists and tracks I'm listening to is fun. I even […][...] → Read more