In my neverending amateur journey through the wonders of coding, here is something I've learnt in PHP today : how to conveniently store a set of flags into one value, with bitmask comparisons made easy thanks to PHP bitwise operators. Sounds greek to you ? Read on, it's this kind of things that are piece […][...] → Read more
Archive for the "Code" Tag
While playing a bit with Xdebug (a profiling tool for PHP), I've come across something I didn't know and that I frankly found a bit odd : how to use output buffering (PHP function ob_start()) to speed up some stuff. In a few words, just so you know if this is obvious noob stuff for […][...] → Read more
It was quicker than expected, because a kind reader was too impatient for an update so he fixed the script himself :) Thanks to Chris Gibson, my Adsense Earnings RSS Feed is now version 1.1, which is compatible with the recent changes Google made with the query parameters. Thanks a lot Chris ![...] → Read more
I knew about the excellent WordPress Xref (read: cross-ref) maintained by Owen Winkler. This is a cross reference of all functions, variables and constants used and defined in WordPress, which provides worthy help when coding things in or for WordPress. I just found about Functions, another project from the same man, which adds a handier […][...] → Read more
My Adsense Earnings to RSS script has stopped functionning a couple of days ago, since Google modified the pages my script parses to generate an RSS feed. Stay tuned : I'll update my script later on within the next few days when I have a moment. Sorry for the inconvenience peeps ![...] → Read more
My Youtube Favorite Videos is my latest plugin. Err widget. Well, actually, plugin and widget. Plugget. And guess what, it displays your latest favorite videos from Youtube, right on your blog. Yes. I know you love it already. Get it.[...] → Read more
I just found about, a Perl CPAN module that saves radio streams to individual mp3's. How cool does that sound ? The readme even says that with a proper MP3::Tag module, mp3 files are saved with correct ID3 tags, which I haven't tried yet. Usage is cake easy. Once the archive untarred, you […][...] → Read more
I've started to play a bit with Xdebug, a PHP extension that's designed to provide profiling information for PHP scripts and script execution analysis, amongst other things. This is fun, this is interesting, and this is invaluable when you really want to optimize the last bits of a script or a function. My test install […][...] → Read more
I've updated the popular Click Counter Plugin, now available in version 1.02 This is a security upgrade, fixing a potential SQL injection exploit that was discovered by Dougal Campbell (many thanks to him for this notice). To be honest, I tried for half an hour to break things with various SQL injections and XSS attempts, […][...] → Read more
Plugin upgrade of minor interest.[...] → Read more