In: , , , ,
On: 2008 / 08 / 24
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As you may have read it already on Lorelle's blushful announcement, I made a Comment Counter widget for Liz Strauss.

Liz Strauss is considered to be an expert in the art of engaging conversations and, for blog, comments (I dig her blog tagline "You're only a stranger once"). One day Lorelle and Liz were chatting about how successful she was on that field, and the idea of a wickedly cool widget that would show comment counts popped out.

It's been an exciting opportunity to "work" with these two fine ladies, and I'm very pleased by the result. The widget I made is pretty cool and flexible, with a lot of options. Think "feedburner badge", except you have everything under control.

The whole purpose of displaying your comment count is really up to you. The obvious usage would be showing off how social a website is, with a humongous five or six figure digit, but I think even for more humble sites with a few thousands, or hundreds, or even dozens, it has its role: it shows you simply care about comments and commenter, which is engaging for visitors and an invitation to join the discussion.

And anyway, it's just yet another fun chicklet :) Get yours!

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This entry "A Comment Counter For Liz Strauss" was posted on 24/08/2008 at 1:44 pm and is tagged with , , , ,
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3 Blablas

  1. Andrea_R says:

    This is really awesome and a good idea of what happens when you go "wouldn't it be cool if…?"

    Love it. :D Especially the process and the comment ratio.

  2. stratosg says:

    i really love it. i use it on my blog and i like it a lot. great work man. keep it coming!

  3. Lorelle says:

    I love it. I sure wish I could use it on For those, like me, who want to use this on, get your request in and they may listen. It's a fun Plugin and I think it is much better than the Feedburner counter. I don't care how many people have subscribed but I do care if you are proud enough of your comments to show them off. That tells me a lot about what kind of a blog this is. The kind I LIKE! :D

    Thanks, Ozh, for all your hard work on this incredible Plugin. I didn't see the stats until someone pointed them out to me. What a cool addition!

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