Great news: next version of Fluency will support my Admin Drop Down Menu!
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This entry "More Admin Drop Down Menu Goodness" was posted on 24/03/2008 at 8:32 pm and is tagged with Admin Drop Down Menu, Fluency, Plugins, Shorties, WordPress Watch this discussion : Comments RSS 2.0.
That is indeed great news! Both are wonderful changes over the new 2.5 interface. I'm looking forward to seeing them work together.
Awsesome! Ignore my comment on your plugin's page asking about this then, I didn't notice you had posted this update :-) Thanks for the great plugin!
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That is indeed great news! Both are wonderful changes over the new 2.5 interface. I'm looking forward to seeing them work together.
Awsesome! Ignore my comment on your plugin's page asking about this then, I didn't notice you had posted this update :-) Thanks for the great plugin!